Recently Microsoft Launched it's own augmented reality headset, the HOLOLENS. Microsoft demonstrated the ability of the HOLOLENS to do everyday work tasks with absolute ease. At E3 2015, the company showcased gaming abilities of the HoloLens. We experienced the HoloLens at E3 2015, and the experience was quite brilliant in the controlled, demonstration environment. 

So, when it comes to virtual reality everyone thinks of HOLOLENS, which Company stated as "mixed reality". But now, it looks like Microsoft is set to take on Google's CardBoard with their own Virtual Reality box called VR KIT.Just like Google's CardBoard, VR KIT is targeted at low cost for the users. Since Microsoft is developing VR KIT windows phone will also be compatible with the device. Microsoft's VR KIT will work by inserting the Lumia into the slot, with display of Lumia driving the VR UNIT.


The head unit was first spotted at a Microsoft website promoting an upcoming hackathon to build apps for virtual reality. The event is being held on October 17, 2015 and  the hackathon page mentions that all teams that come up with "successful" ideas will be handed a VR Kit for free.The Teams can build their apps on three categories : Game, Education and Corporate Apps. Winner from each category will be selected at the Event.