HoloLens - Chief Inventor Alex Kipman

Microsoft Hololens, a Sci-Fi Technology comes to Life. A device that mix up our Real World with the Virtual Elements.

HoloLens is built into a frame that cover your head and gets strapped into the right position; there is a sensor over your eyes to track where you're looking and sensors on the frame to track how your head moves and the Holographic Processing Unit hangs around your neck on a strap. 

Hololens run on a Holographic Processing Unit, a custom microprocessor by Microsoft which efficiently processes and integrates all data  from the various sensors, handling tasks such as spatial mapping, gesture recognition, and voice recognition. The Device processes "terabytes of information" from the HoloLens's sensors in real time.

The HPU, as said by Microsoft doesn't actually create a Hologram. It is just a projection of Elements on Holographic printed Lens that turns them into a 3D Image. The HPU turns the graphics into the right signal to project onto those lenses as well as processing information from the sensors that tell it where you're looking and how you're moving your head. It will speed up voice recognition and spatial sound processing, too. The Hololens projected screen moves along as you move your head and let you control Apps either by Voice Command or Gestures.